Where am I coming from? I'm coming from putting right problems caused by Microsoft updates, the fact that after more than ten years we still have a product that is riddled with security flaws - Windows XP.
Don't get me wrong, I think XP is pretty good, it's more stable than Windows 7 in my experience so why do we need yet another operating system that doesn't work properly. Why don't they get one right so there's a base to start the next version from, or do I see things in too simple a light. I'm sure there must be a reason for all this faulty software being thrust upon us!
OK, you could argue that Win8 is a totally new way of working, that it's geared towards touch screen devices of the future, so what is Win9 going to do in three years time? Give us another WinME or Vista, and we have to pay for all this experimentation by Microsoft, leaving me and my colleagues to pick up the pieces.
Most of my call-outs are related to Windows corruptions rather than hardware faults with Win7 coming a close second to XP. I run machines with XP, Vista and 7 on and the one that gives me the least trouble is Vista - it just works yet nobody wants it. Go figure!?!?
I find 7 gives me the most problems, you can never guarantee that things will be the same next time you turn it on, windows settings change, program settings change and it will constantly turn off the wifi even though everything is set to leave it alone.
Personally, the only thing I can see happening with the release of win8 is an increase in call-outs to sort out yet another poorly developed system. Bear in mind that win7 was heralded as the best, most secure windows ever, yet it was hacked to bits showing it to be one of the most insecure versions of windows ever on release - but many choose to gloss over this issue.
Personally, I can't wait for people to wake up to Linux Ubuntu, it's forever free, and there are thousands of applications that are free also, and it would work better than windows for most of my clients but .......... people don't like change (ha) - so why do they keep supporting microsoft by buying their new models that they don't know how to use. Get Linux, once you've got the hang of it, it hardly changes, and if it does, you don't have to pay for the privilege.
Linux is based on Unix, a computer language that has been around since the dark ages of computing. Guess what, the Apple Mac operating system is also based on Unix but with one big difference. Ubuntu will run on just about any old tower or laptop, unlike the Apple Mac system.