Fear not for that is entirely possible (even if it is a bit of a headache). We can even have you up and running on Windows XP even if your new laptop is hardwired for Windows 8 only.
If you simply 'upgraded' your computer to run on Windows 8 then the downgrade is simply reinstall your original operating system from the installation disc or the recovery discs it asked you to create before you 'upgraded'. You did do that little task, didn't you!?
OK, so your computer came with Windows 8 on and you want to downgrade - that is your right, and we can help you maintain your rights. Downgrading your computer will cost you €65.00 whether you want to go back to Windows 7 or you want to use XP, you decide.
If you don't have your installation/recovery discs then asking someone like me to install an operating system without them, or the original product code, is highly illegal and will result in me serving time in jail and very hefty fines when - not IF - Microsoft find out. I have no intention of doing that so don't ask.
OK, so the other PC guy did it without question - where is he now - gone. A moving target is harder to hit. They milk the area then move on to the next. I'm here for the duration.