Tooway have recently changed all customers Internet Presence (IP) addresses to UK rather than Italian (the tooway ground station is sited in Turin). This appears to have caused severe problems with those using VoIP services as your signal has to travel a considerably longer distance before reaching the public internet system.
This means that the quality of VoIP services has been adversely affected.
I can only apologise to my existing clients, and those already booked, for this issue. It is outside my control and can only be remedied by tooway reversing their decision on IP addressing.
From what is being experienced, it appears the signal is being beamed through another satellite to reach a base station in UK or it's being routed through a Proxy Server. I am waiting for a response from tooway as to how they propose to honour their assurances that their system is VoIP compatible when it clearly isn't following these recent changes.
In view of these issues, I can only seriously recommend the Hylas Satellite option for those who wish to have the telephone service added, as their ground station is based at Goonhilly in the UK so you should not experience these issues.
For those interested, Goonhilly was originally established in 1962 and the first dish was built to link with Telstar.